Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Blog Has Moved

I feel the time is right to concentrate on just one blog and keep the content rich and informative.

Updating six blogs regularly is too time consuming. It makes sense to just have one main blog. The address for this is

I update my blog every other day and there you will find the three main categories I write about which is Exercise, Nutrition & Motivation.

Thanks for your continued support and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards
26th March 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Carbohydrates To Keep Off Your Shopping List If You Want Six Pack Abs

Believe it or not, the body has no physiological need for a carbohydrate unlike it has for protein and fat. Despite this fact most of the population overeats these types of calories everyday because they are easily available and more convenient than some healthy alternatives. This daily habit contributes to an increased waistline and poor health. The drawback to the convenience food culture is the likelihood that the calories will be highly processed. Processed foods usually contain bad fats and artificial ingredients with loads of sugar.

There are two main problems concerning carbohydrates. The first problem is that most peoples total daily calorie intake comes from eating carbohydrates with hardly any protein and good fats in the diet. The second concern is that the bulk of these commonly consumed carbohydrates will almost be guaranteed to be processed and full of artificial sweeteners instead of natural carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruit.

Common foods that contain carbohydrates:
Breakfast cereals
Jellies & jams
Ice cream
Gravies & sauces
Fizzy drinks

The quicker you learn which foods are carbohydrates and understand the impact they can have on insulin the quicker you will achieve fat loss with six pack abs and better health. If high levels of insulin are raised frequently and for long enough it contributes to diabetes, heart disease and aging.

The reasons why carbohydrates can be bad for fat loss
When we consume food & drink our blood sugar rises and insulin is released to bring it back down to a normal range. This is done by pumping the sugar out of the blood and into the cells to be used for energy or stored for later. Fat has no impact on insulin and protein very little; carbohydrates have the greatest reaction on insulin release. When we eat any kind of carbohydrates they are converted into sugar in the body, the more carbohydrates eaten equals more blood sugar, which in turn means more insulin needed to pump the sugar out of the blood and into the cells.

Insulin is a storage hormone and if you don’t eat the right balance of foods at each meal you get a repetitive cycle of insulin release and fat storage. Eating carbohydrates by themselves will make the fat storing sequence worse. With this going on every mealtime other hormones (fat burning hormones) are inhibited and prevent you from losing fat and weight.

It doesn’t stop there; excess carbohydrates are not only bad for your waistline but bad for your health too. The more insulin released more bad cholesterol is produced. Insulin is the only hormone you can control and this is done with good eating habits.

Excessive insulin has got extensive research linking it to numerous diseases. Choose your carbohydrates wisely in future and always eat good quality protein and good fats with your meals. You will see fat melt from your abdominal area in no time.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Work Out How Much Weight To Lose To Get A Six Pack

Are you confused about what approach to take?
Beginners and in particularly men who take up training with weights normally need to gain weight and bulk up. Once this has been achieved the individual can end up being well over 30 pounds heavier from when they first began training. When the time comes to be leaner and more defined with a six-pack the individual can be confused about what approach to take.

This is when some people look towards fancy training principles for the answer. Many think they will be able to achieve a well-defined and lean physique and stay the same body weight without losing overall size and shape. It is almost as if they have a fear of losing weight in case they return to their former body image previous to training with weights.

Let me explain why it is necessary to lose weight if you want a six-pack that looks great from all angles. Hypothetically speaking lets say you are a 200-pound male and want six-pack abs. You have no idea what your body fat percentage is but you carry some fat around your waist hence the lack of a six-pack showing. If you pinch the fat around your waist with your thumb and index finger you will either be able to grab a thin layer of fat between your fingers or a thick layer resembling the spare tyre look.

Hypothetically speaking one more time lets say you know your body fat percentage and have a reading of 20 percent. That will work out you having 40 pounds of body fat on your body. That means you have a lean body mass weight of 160 pounds. To be able to see your six-pack you will need to get your body fat percentage in to the single figure territory. So in this case that would mean a drop of 22 pounds of body weight. That would take you to a new body weight of 178 pounds with a lean waist and an awesome six-pack.

A lot of men can’t get their heads around this because they are scared of losing muscle size and strength. Once you are lean and look more defined your muscles will look a lot bigger than they were with more body fat surrounding them. Also if you eat a proper balanced diet with plenty of good fats your strength shouldn’t decrease either.

In summary getting lean to show off your six-pack without losing weight is impossible unless you have the gift of gaining muscle at the same time. In the example above our friend would have to lose 22 pounds of fat and gain 22 pounds of muscle at the same time in order to remain the same body weight and achieve six-pack abs.
Are you confused about what approach to take?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Foods To Avoid If You Want A Six Pack

Anything containing sugar needs to be avoided, it is highly addictive and highly detrimental to health and fat loss goals. It is important to teach yourself to become a sugar detective by knowing how to read food labels.

Some foods will have half a dozen different types of sugar in the ingredients to help disguise the content; look out for words listed on the label ending in “ose” this means it is sugar, examples are sucrose, maltose, dextrose, fructose, glucose and so on.

Beware of so-called healthy drinks that are hyped up to make them look natural and good for you; they are still sugar, natural sugar on a label means it is still sugar and doesn’t make it any better.

People typically start their day with store bought fruit juices that are high in sugar, they have very little health benefits linked to them because they have been pasteurised. Even if you drink freshly squeezed fruit it is still a high sugar drink, if you want to lose weight you could be making it very difficult for yourself because of the blood sugar response and the release of fat storing hormones associated with consuming sugar. All types of carbohydrate foods once eaten are sugar in the body. Carbohydrate rich foods are mainly non-animal foods.

Excess sugar consumption will eventually affect every organ in the body; it creates an acidic environment within the body and minerals from teeth and bones are used to rectify the imbalance. Long-term abuse leads to decay and weakening of teeth and bones because of all the calcium being taken out of them to protect the blood from the acid state.

If you want a six-pack and reduce fat avoid sugar especially artificial sweeteners found in processed foods and drinks. Always check the labels. Eating sugar creates a never-ending roller coaster ride for hormones such as insulin and cortisol, both fat storing hormones.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Acai Berry & Weight Loss

Acai berry is the latest in a long line of super foods that is supposed to miraculously answer your weight and body fat issues with a swallow of a pill. On the surface it is easy to believe the hype. Celebrities endorse acai berry by the dozen and it is a natural food so there should be little if any concern. Or should there be? Read on and discover why acai berry has fallen prey to a global marketing con.

Whenever the diet industry gets excited about one type of food you should be very cautious and open-minded. There are literally dozens of natural super foods that are teeming with nutrients and vitality for the body but you only ever hear about the ones that can be processed into a moneymaking enterprise, especially if it can be made into a recurring revenue stream. Yes, believe it or not no matter what it says on the label or how good a celebrity says it is there is always a money motif behind the hype.

If you are concerned about your weight and your health it is important to get your nutrients from nature rather than a bottle of tablets or processed juice. You need a variety of nutrients from different food groups. Protein, carbohydrates and fats are needed daily, preferably all from natural foods apposed to processed foods. The quantities from these food groups required for weight and fat loss differ from individual to individual. Learning to listen to your response after eating different foods and their quantities is the only way to succeed in dieting. Fine tuning your diet is an individual action as we all respond differently to the same diet.

Remember that acai berry is a fruit and fruits are carbohydrates. Using acai berry instead of or in place of a balanced diet doesn’t cancel the need for other nutrients in the diet. As a matter of fact increasing carbohydrate intake for many people would cause weight gain because of the insulin response caused by the sugar that carbohydrate foods contain.

So be cautious and begin to understand that no amount of supplements in the world can correct a bad diet and change your health and appearance at the same time.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Word About Snacks For Dieters

A safe way to introduce snacks to your diet!
Some people do great eating snacks between meals and others not so great. It doesn’t take an expert to tell you that you would instantly take a u-turn in your rate of progress if you snacked erratically.

My advice is this; if snacking is something new to you and you are keen to speed up the metabolism, try eating frequently. I would recommend trying a mid morning snack first. This is a safer way to introduce you to eating frequently because it will help speed up the metabolism for the day ahead better than just having a mid afternoon snack. Remember consuming most of your calories in the first of the day will do more for your metabolism than putting off eating till the back end of the day.

It is also important to remember that eating good quality foods and nutrients for your main meals doesn’t give you the right to snack on bad calories. I’m talking about the kind you find in processed foods and most convenient food outlets. Don’t think for a minute that good meals will cancel out bad snacks, maybe now and again but definitely not everyday!

I know as much as anyone else that easily available junk food can be testing on our temptations even at the best of times. It is easy to feel helpless and our willpower torn to shreds as we go about our daily business.

Don’t worry because there is some good news. All you need to be is organised and follow some simple guidelines.

1. Plan what foods you are going to use for snacks.

Tip: Choose just two foods, a protein food and a carbohydrate food and always carry them around with you so you don’t get stuck when you need something to eat.

2. Only eat natural foods.

Tip: Try not to eat anything with multiple ingredients i.e. processed bars etc. For example try fruits and nuts/seeds or nut butter.

3. Keep your eye on the clock.

Tip: Do not eat snacks sooner than 2 hours before your last meal. If it is approaching 4 hours since your last meal you will need to eat something to keep the metabolism ticking optimally.

Experiment with what works best for your body in regards to how often you need to snack and the response it has to the rate of your progress. For instance are you making progress with just a mid morning snack or do you need a mid afternoon snack as well?
A safe way to introduce snacks to your diet!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Top Dieters Lose Fat & Weight Fast

The top dieters have a clear idea of what they want. This ranges from the way they want to look like to how they want to feel once they have achieved their goal.

The most successful dieters decide how many weeks/months they want to achieve their goal in and set their minds to achieving it.

The dieters that get the quickest results know the exact reasons why they want to achieve their goal and then use the reasons to motivate themselves.

The dieters who seem to effortlessly lose fat are all familiar with the obstacles that could potentially stop them from achieving their goal and set about avoiding them at all costs.

You need to have substance, clarity and a clear-cut plan of action towards your goal. No one is going to get out of this world results plodding along at their own pace without any direction.

Here’s how I do it and countless others who have achieved amazing results in the shortest possible time. If you are not seeing results after 10 days then you need to change something. In my opinion if you don’t feel or look any different after following a certain approach for 10 days then you must be doing something wrong or not trying hard enough.

Divide your timescale into 10-day cycles and assess your speed of progress every 10 days. The more you do this the more you will become in tune with what works for your body and what works against it. You eventually end up with your very own blueprint for fat loss.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If You Want Quick Fat Loss Change Your Eating Habits or Exercise Will Be A Waste of Time

The answer to fat loss!
Your diet is probably responsible for the way you look right now. Having excess body fat and being over weight is not a symptom of not using the treadmill a few times a week. If you don’t believe me just look at all the gym members the world over that quit everyday because they never achieve any results. They hit the treadmill in their droves religiously and still never get anywhere. The next time you are down the gym take a closer look at all the dedicated gym members that continue to exercise week after week and year after year yet still don’t look any different for their efforts. The majority of these people spend their workout time doing cardiovascular exercises. The type we have been led to believe is the answer to all over weight problems.

The mainstream media and the diet and exercise industry have programmed people to believe exercise is the answer to fat loss. How many people head straight into exercise routines without bothering to change their diet? A lot I can tell you.

From years of experience training people I have discovered the people who eat a bad diet are looking for a quick fix with exercise. They are hardly ever willing to change their diet without waiting a few months. This is to see if their exercise regime will give them the body they want. Then after all their invested time spent exercising fails to deliver the fat loss they want they more often then not throw in the towel.

Investing in eating a clean balanced diet from the beginning is the quickest way to get healthy and lose fat. You can’t out train a diet full of bad calories. If you live on processed junk foods and fail to get the right balance of nutrients everyday from natural foods then it is highly likely that you will feel lethargic and not look as good as you should. The effects of eating well show up on your body and keeps you feeling energised all day long. A far cry to what a few workouts a week on the treadmill can give you.
The answer to fat loss!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some Responsible Advice About Diets in Glossy Magazines

The media is responsible for distorting and cherry picking health and fitness related information in order to gain your attention so they can stay in business by selling more copies. It is very important to be cautious when reading and using advice in these publications. The full picture is seldom discussed in the magazine or newspaper article. It is best for you and your fat loss goals if you steer away from these publications for your own good. If a diet sounds too good to be true it normally means it isn’t true and is just made up to make it sound interesting.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Burn Fat and Train Abs in Only 15 Minutes Flat Out

Exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring!
The thought of doing any kind of exercise turns many people off because of the impression it can have. If you don’t know any different then you would assume it is a long drawn out process only suited for nut cases with nothing else better to do. What if I told you that exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring? Would you be interested if I showed you a way to make exercise challenging but over before you knew it? Better still, what if I told you the way I’m about to show you to exercise is more beneficial than probably 97% of what anybody else is doing in the gym right now. It only takes 15 minutes so even the busiest people can’t make excuses with this one.

This exercise routine is really simple, once you are fully warmed up this is what you do.

Choose two exercises
Decide which areas you need to prioritise and choose the exercises accordingly.

Tip: choose multi joint exercises when applicable. This will burn more calories and give you a better response.
Legs = squats, lunges or leg curls using a ball.
Back = dead lifts, bent over rowing or alternating superman.
Chest = press ups, dumbbell press or presses and chest fly on a ball.

Considerations for the abs only workouts
You may decide to use this routine format for just training the abs. In which case be careful not to opt for the same movement pattern.

Tip: there are three planes of movement, make sure to include 2 different ones when training the abs so you achieve a balanced look.
Crunch type exercises = forwards and backwards.
Side bends and other oblique exercises = moving sideways.
Wood chops = rotational movement.

Once you decide which exercises you are doing this is how to work them to their fullest potential for 15 minutes.

Do the first exercise for 30 seconds followed immediately by the second exercise for another 30 seconds then take a rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this 10 times which will give you a 15-minute workout. Beware it looks easy on paper but is very challenging.

Tip: use a digital stopwatch to time yourself. I have found it to be easier to monitor where you are and you don’t need to count how many rounds you have done because you simply stop when the clock reads 15 minutes.
Exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Reasons Not to Get Weighed If You Are on a Diet

Follow the right kind of diet & see changes!
If you are following a diet and want to lose weight then it is only natural to think you need to weigh yourself frequently to see if you are losing weight. You have to ask yourself what do you want to achieve from your diet, is it to look slimmer or is it to reach a number on the scales? Think very carefully before you answer that question because they are completely different things.

You don’t need to get weighed to see if you are getting slimmer, all you need is a mirror and a tape measure. To be completely honest you don’t even need a tape measure because if you are sticking to the right kind of diet you will be able to see results without the confirmation of a few measurements to satisfy your mind.

If you follow the right kind of diet you should be able to see changes through the mirror every ten days and should feel energised and look healthy. The weighing scales can’t tell you how you look or how you feel. Are you prepared to allow the scales to tell you otherwise with a number?

The real reason dieters like to go through the mental torture of routinely getting weighed is because they are looking for something to make them feel better for their lack of effort. They simply aren’t trying hard enough and allowing too many banned foods into their diets. They rely on the scales to tell them a number they want to see to make everything all right even though they know deep inside everything isn’t as it should be.

Getting weighed everyday or even every week simply isn’t necessary for you to reach your goal. You are going to get results if you follow the right kind of diet regardless of whether you get weighed or not. Achieving results with a diet begins inside your mind. Cheating yourself won’t get you very far and turning to the scales in the hope they will make you feel better is a never ending waste of time which will help you fail.

Any success with dieting always shows on the outside of your body with the way you look. The biggest achievement with progress is how you feel inside, if you feel healthy and have loads of energy then you know you are on to a winner. Remember you don’t need weighing scales; a tape measure or even a mirror to achieve results, all you need is to just stick to a proper diet.
Follow the right kind of diet & see changes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Healthy & Delicious Breakfast Ideas

Take my advice and try eating a breakfast away from the traditional commercial variety and I bet it makes a difference to your waistline!
Have you been eating the same boring breakfast for years? What is your normal breakfast? Is it processed and full of sugar? Here are 10 quick and easy to prepare breakfast ideas.

1. Smoothie- natural yoghurt with a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, add hand full of any berries and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil or hand full of almonds. Blend with a little water.

2. Egg omelet served with raw spinach.

3. Cottage cheese served with blueberries.

4. Smoked salmon served with watercress, tomato and sliced cucumber.

5. Gluten free pancakes with ghee butter on top, served with blueberries and double cream.

6. Boiled eggs served with lightly steamed asparagus wrapped in ham.

7. Scrambled eggs served on wheat free toast.

8. Crab meat and shrimp mixed with sour cream and wrapped in an egg omelet. Serve with wheat free toast.

9. Duck liver pate served with wheat free toast and watercress.

10. Cold cuts of meat served with salad.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Dieters Can Lose Those Last Few Pounds Of Fat

Why the last few pounds of fat can be difficult to get rid of!
If your results have slowed down recently then you need to take a good look at what you have been doing.

Are you partying until late at the weekends?
Are you having too many Beers?
Are you eating a takeaway too many?
Are you drinking enough water everyday?
Do you Skip breakfast or lunch?
Are you eating late at night?
Are you eating non-processed foods every meal?
Do you frequently miss workouts?
Are you training hard enough or just going through the motions to get it over and done with?
Is stressful situations getting on the top of you and distracting you?
Are you enjoying a work/life balance?
Are you exercising too much?
Are you focused on your goals?
Do you have a strategy in place that you follow or are you guessing?

The quicker you can organise yourself and put a plan in place the sooner you will achieve your fat loss goal. I have never met anyone who has achieved his or her fat loss goal without some sort of direction to follow. It is not only quicker to achieve fat loss results but also a lot easier.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Swiss Ball Exercise For Thighs

Hamstring curl on a ball!
Work this exercise in to your next workout. It involves the core and challenge the targeted muscles.

Start by lying on your back on the floor with the arms at the sides with palms facing up; place the heels on top of the ball with toes pointing up. Squeeze the glutes and draw the tummy in as you bring the hips of the floor. Bend your knees to bring the heels towards the glutes and slowly return to the starting position. Don’t allow your hips to drop and maintain the level of your hips throughout the set. Also keep the toes pointing up when bending the knees.

The more intense the workout the bigger the boost for the metabolism.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Carbohydrates & Fat Loss

Why carbohydrates can be bad for fat loss!
There are two main problems concerning carbohydrates. The first problem is that most peoples total daily calorie intake comes from eating carbohydrates with hardly any protein and good fats in the diet. The second concern is that the bulk of these commonly consumed carbohydrates will almost be guaranteed to be processed and full of artificial sweeteners. Instead of natural carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruit.

Common foods that contain carbohydrates:
Breakfast cereals
Jellies & jams
Ice cream
Gravies & sauces
Fizzy drinks

The quicker you learn which foods are carbohydrates and understand the impact they can have on insulin the quicker you will achieve fat loss with six pack abs and better health. If high levels of insulin are raised frequently and for long enough it contributes to diabetes, heart disease, aging and weight gain.
Why carbohydrates can be bad for fat loss!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Essential Guidelines for Weight & Fat Loss

To achieve the maximum results with dieting and fat loss it is essential to follow the eight guidelines below.

1. Drink plenty of mineral water
2. Eat only natural fresh, non-processed foods
3. Cut out all dairy products apart from natural- live yoghurt, organic butter & eggs
4. Cut out all sugar
5. Cut out all wheat
6. Cut out all alcohol
7. Cut out all caffeine
8. Eat organic whenever possible

It can seem like a burden and great effort to put this diet plan in to motion but is worth every single ounce of trouble. It can go a little like this, if you follow anything blindly you trip up and give up. On the other hand if you plan and set out what you are going to do you have less chance of failing.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Do You Have A Specific Weight Loss Goal?

Have you thought about what you really want to achieve?
Not having a goal is one of the biggest mistakes anyone can make when embarking on any kind of diet. You have to be serious in order to get the best value from your time and effort. There has to be a reason for wanting to get in shape and change.

The reason is your number one motivational tool that you can continuously refer to and remind yourself where you want to end up. By writing it down you can carry it around with you and use it to your advantage when the going gets tough.

Think about it for a few moments, what do you really want? A six-pack? Better health? Lose overall weight? Look great naked? Lose flabby body fat? Get rid of man boobs? Look younger? Feel fitter? Look more attractive? Feel confident? Live longer?

Whatever you want to achieve write it down and don’t forget to state the reasons why you want it.

This is a powerful tool that can help you more than you realise. Once you have a goal in front of you all you will need to do is plan the steps required to reach it.

Keep the steps as simple as possible or you will be more likely to fail. Remember you can always be in control of what you want and influence what you get.
Have you thought about what you really want to achieve?

Friday, January 14, 2011

The Diet Trap

This is what goes wrong for the typical dieter!
For years the dieting industry has used the low calorie approach to answer the obesity problem leaving the public with a very shallow understanding about nutrition. This has left a very sour taste in the mouth of many dieters whose progress has vanished in thin air instead of excess body weight and fat.

So what can potentially go wrong for a typical dieter? If the desired bodyweight is reached it is likely to be only temporary due to the unnatural dieting methods followed. This normally leads to a lifetime of yoyo dieting with body weight fluctuations and malnutrition.

The run of the mill low calorie dieting advice has led people to do things on gut feeling rather than on actual proven formulas. For example, if someone is not losing at a rate they desire they will either cut their calories to a dangerously low level and/or increase their exercise volume to compensate for a lack of progress. It becomes a battle that can’t be won resulting in more vulnerability towards worthless quick fixes.
This is what goes wrong for the typical dieter!

Monday, January 10, 2011

How To Train Your Appetite To Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for fat loss and weight loss!
What if you haven’t got an appetite first thing on a morning? Don’t worry; train yourself a little at a time.

You could start with setting your first goal so you eat breakfast before 10am every morning.

Then during the weeks ahead try and bring the time closer to a more convenient time soon after rising.

You should aim to get 25% of your daily calories at breakfast. It may seem like a lot at first but it is the best and only way to jump-start the metabolism for quicker fat loss results.

Breakfast means to break the fast from the nights sleep. Why is this important?

During sleep the metabolism (the rate the body burns calories) slows down because of the lack of demand needed for calories. The worst thing you can do is to prolong the fasting and keep the metabolism running slow (the rate the body burns calories) by skipping breakfast or eating very little.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day for fat loss and weight loss!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How to Make a Diet Work

When and where are you going wrong?
Dieters always want the best results imaginable. They typically know which foods harm their progress and the foods that are beneficial to their goals.

With this in mind you would think that every dieter would achieve his or her goal and the success rate would be one hundred percent. But unfortunately this couldn't be further from the truth.

What can be done to make sure a diet works?

Keep an accurate food diary.
This will show you when and where you are going wrong.

Eliminate problem foods.
This means junk foods and processed foods. Set a goal; reduce a little at a time.

Replace junk food with real foods.
Do this before you reduce portion sizes! It will make it easier to stick to your new eating guidelines.

Listen to your body.
Be conscious about what your body is telling you after each meal. If anything doesn’t agree with your digestion stop eating it.

Be patient.
Slimming and changing the way you look doesn’t happen overnight. The stricter you are with keeping to your guidelines the quicker you will see changes.

Final thought.
It’s normally the people who never fully commit to their diets that are worried about timescales. Work the diet; don’t let the diet work you!
When and where are you going wrong?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How to Write a Food Diary for Dieting

How to use pen and paper to help you with weight loss!
The reason for keeping a food diary is to let yourself know what goes in your mouth every day of the week. People adopt unhealthy habits that they become accustomed to and forget how much bad food they actually consume. Its time to be honest with yourself, without keeping a food diary you are likely to miss some vital information about yourself. It may seem like a tedious task but it will only take you a couple of minutes each day at the most.

Doing so will uncover your strengths and weaknesses.

Be patient and fill in your food diary a day at a time. The more accurate it is the more you will get from it.

Carry your food diary around with you everywhere you go for the next seven days and fill it in as you go about your business.

Below are some tips of how to describe how you feel after each meal. The window is from a few minutes to a few hours after each meal.

Different responses:
Feel satisfied
Feel full but comfortable
Have renewed energy

If you get any of the above responses and you are progressing with weight loss and reducing body fat you are on to a winner.

But on the other hand if you are experiencing any of the descriptions below:

Feel full but still hungry
Have cravings
Feel tired
Feel bloated

You will need to adjust your ratios or eliminate problem foods.

Even if you are progressing with fat loss and your weight is coming down your body obviously is not running at its optimum level.

It is advisable to keep experimenting and see what works best for you. Referring to your food diary for feedback and guidance is the easiest way to tweak your diet for fat loss results and for achieving good health.
How to use pen and paper to help you with weight loss!