Sunday, November 29, 2009

If You Want Quick Fat Loss it is Best to Learn How to Gain Fat Fast

How to Achieve Quick Fat Loss

Take note that no one is immune to the effects of:
Eating processed food and junk food
Consuming excessive calories
Eating the wrong kind of calories
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not managing stress levels

Very few of us can get away with contributing zero time to regular functional exercise and eat any type of calories and still look good. I would say less than 1% of the population but this 1% won’t have the health benefits of someone who exercises and eats healthily. If you want Quick Fat Loss it is absolutely essential you know which foods to eat and apply it to your lifestyle in order to experience fat loss.

On the other side of the coin you can still be unhealthy if you follow eating guidelines that are considered healthy by some so-called experts but are wrong for your body type. You can even end up worse off for exercising the wrong way and doing too much than someone who doesn’t do any.

What I am trying to get across is that the answer is always in front of your eyes, if you are not happy with the way you look it is highly likely because your current eating plan or lifestyle is wrong for you. If it works for someone else it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Many people spend years doing the same thing over and over again without getting the results they want. In my mind this is madness, there are always reasons for not achieving Quick Fat Loss and there will always be alternatives to try.

How many people actually try different approaches before quitting?

Exercising or eating a certain way and not changing in anyway, shape or form is a sign to wake up. In some cases some people actually believe what they are doing is the gospel truth; if you believe in following certain methods and you are not achieving results then you are no better off than someone who never exercises or someone who eats what they want.

Think about it for a minute, if you continue to follow a certain eating plan or exercise routine and fail to see results all you are really doing is turning a blind eye to the truth and being lazy. It is more comfortable for your body to follow something that isn’t working then it is to change the things that are stopping you from progressing. We are surrounded by choices and no one is responsible for your actions but you.

Below encompasses some of the habits that can lead to a Poor Body

Deprived sleep
Living on stimulants
Skipping breakfast
Eating processed food
Eating junk food
Not drinking enough water
Consuming excessive calories
Consuming the wrong calories
Extreme dieting
High stress levels
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not doing any resistance type movements
Binge eating
Binge drinking
Prioritising the wrong kind of exercises
Doing too much exercise with not enough rest

Any of the above can lead to a Poor Body image. When essential nutrients are lacking in the diet and it is reinforced with poor lifestyle choices it is precisely the opposite of what you need if you want to experience fat loss.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1.
How to Achieve Quick Fat Loss

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