Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Find Out if You Are Reducing Fat From Your Body

2 Ways to Review Your Slimming Progress
The quickest way to get slim and lose tons of fat doesn’t need to involve scientific jargon or a calculator. Many people jump on the calories in and calories out bandwagon only to be left disappointed with the lack of results they get from that approach. Dieters simply fail to manage their diets properly and this is the number one reason why there are so many unsuccessful dieters around.

Anybody who wants to reduce fat, lose weight or improve the way they look needs to implement some sort of review system into their calendar. This is precisely what a good personal trainer will do when you go to see them. If your goal is fat loss then there should be regular review dates to see if you are progressing or not.

Applying some attention to the level of progress every ten days is exactly what any dieter could do at home. There is more you can do then to step on the bathroom scales to see if you are achieving results or not.

Below are two ways to review your progress.

Track your body fat levels
Stepping on the scales can be convenient and give you instant feedback but they only give you limited information. Scale weight tells you nothing about body fat percentage and the areas where body fat is dropping quicker than others. It is possible to be overweight but not over fat especially if you are an athlete.

Skin fold callipers are the easiest method and most reliable way to measure body fat. A good set of skin fold callipers should come with instructions and formulas for working out body fat percentages.

The way I do it is by keeping it simple, I choose certain areas of the body I wish to keep an eye on and take the measurements. I record the skin fold measurement in millimetres and write it down in my diary. I repeat this process every 10 days to see if I am making progress. The benefit of doing this over the scales is that it tells me where on the body I am responding and making progress.

Take your measurements
This is another useful method that tells you much more than just getting weighed. Taking regular measurements around the largest area of different body parts is a consistent way of tracking changes. The most popular areas to measure are thighs, hips, bum, tummy, bust/chest and arms.

Once again record measurements and changes in some sort of journal or calendar to track your progress.

Once you have the information at hand and still not progressing at the speed you wish you have a strong advantage because you can modify your diet to influence the next set of measurements on the next review date. A simple enough strategy that many dieters fail to put into practice.
2 Ways to Review Your Slimming Progress

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