Monday, July 12, 2010

Are You A Diet Failure? Are You Asking Yourself The Right Questions?

The questions you need to answer if you want to succeed!
What Do You Want To Look Like?
Write this down; describe everything in the finest detail and compare it to where you are now.

The importance of having a vision of what you want to look like is important because it keeps you on track. Imagine going on a road trip without a destination, its pretty pointless unless its what you want but with fat loss it is a different set of rules. You can’t treat fat loss like a mystery tour and expect to end up where you want, you need to be focused in order to get where you want.

What Time Frame Do You Want This To Happen?
Be realistic but don’t be too conservative, a bit of pressure is good.

Once you have a vision of what you want to look like you then need to stick a desired time limit on your goal. This is another great motivational tool that can push you along each step until you reach your final destination.

Now I want you to look at your timescale for your goal, how many review days are you going to have? Once you know the answer you have a powerful approach to make certain the fat loss actually happens before the deadline. If fat loss doesn’t happen quick enough for you then you can easily look at what you are doing wrong and prepare to move in the relevant direction before the next review.

Who Are You Doing This For and Why?
Is it for your health & happiness, family/partner or for your career?

The reasons behind your goal are probably more powerful than the tactics I’ve discussed above. Why you may ask? I have found that people’s reasons for wanting to achieve goals normally involve feelings, other people, relationships or other meaningful importance to life. This is dynamite for getting motivated, if those reasons won’t budge you to make a start nothing will.
The questions you need to answer if you want to succeed!

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