Friday, October 2, 2009

A Professional Footballer Lost a Third of His Body Fat in Just Four Weeks With Fat Loss Every 10 Days

Fat Loss without Dieting
When a professional footballer approached me for help one of the first things he told me was how ultra professional he had always been throughout his career with the way he looked after himself. Alcohol was limited to a glass of wine with a meal now and again and he never spent any time in smoky clubs or bars, he also told me he always went to bed before midnight to make sure he got his eight hours sleep every night. He went on to say he had always accepted that certain people are naturally fitter than others but it had always struck him that despite his healthy lifestyle he never felt as fit as he thought he should have been.

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Having felt this way for quite a long time he had finally had enough and decided to get his diet checked to find out if he was missing anything out or doing something wrong to explain the way he felt. As well as leading a healthy lifestyle he had always followed what is widely regarded as a very healthy diet. Plenty of pasta, potatoes, salad and vegetables, a little red meat, chicken and the odd helping of fish. On shopping trips to the supermarket he would always go for the low fat versions of everything he saw. He was taking the advice of the health magazines and most of the other sources of media that said fat is bad for you and should be avoided at all costs.

As soon as I started explaining about the myths surrounding nutrition he was surprised and got a lot more than he expected. I introduced him to how to identify the foods that made him feel lethargic, hungry or irritable and helped him to recognise the foods that made him feel the total opposite. If certain foods make you feel terrible and do nothing to quench your appetite then it makes perfect sense to eliminate that food from your diet especially if you want to excel at your sport.

Click ==>The Quickest Way To Reduce Fat

One of the keys to success with eating for optimal sports performance is to learn which foods belong to which food group. As soon as you are able to identify different food groups you have a better chance of controlling hunger. This is because different food groups will give you different responses. Once you become familiar with the foods that leave you feeling a certain way you will be able to prepare meals that work for the body and not against it. All this requires is modification with the portion sizes. In other words you may need less carbohydrates and more protein with each meal in order to satisfy your hunger and prevent your energy levels dipping.

The good thing is that it isn’t even dieting; it is all about feeding the body the correct nutrients in the proper ratios so you don’t suffer any negative effects after a meal.

Since my first meeting with the professional footballer he has changed his diet in a big way and adopted the principles above. He has not needed to rely on pasta, bread and potatoes for his energy needs because he felt he didn’t need them. He has never felt fitter and has lost a third of his body fat levels in just four weeks without changing his exercise regime. Click ==>The Quickest Way To Reduce Fat
Fat Loss without Dieting

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